One of my blockmates from college recently added me on her friendster list. Trina made a new account dedicated to our block in DLSU. LR-21 Batch 97. Man, I can't believe its been 10 years already since I got into college! Whoa! I'm getting old... Well, as what they say.. With Age comes Memory Lapses! hahaha... I dunno... Wisdom? Is that the right term? Am I more wise now than I was ten years ago? I guess not... I think I'm much practical now than before... Wisdom is such a big word and heck, I'm only 27 so don't expect too much of me! <--- That's the child in me speaking! :P
Anyway, this sudden blast from the past made me look back on those happy memories back in college. The unending surprise quizzes, reviews, midterms, CUTTING CLASSES, TAMBAY SA U.M., YOSI BREAKS in STRC, the parking space at the Beach, the famous steak ni ate Em's... Hay... I miss the good old days. I can still remember the barkada's formed plus the sad fact that eventually one or more of them become complete strangers to you...
....., hey! I don't wanna end on a sad note. Lemme recall the barkada's we formed in our block.
The Chingga Tu Madre: Me, Boyet, Dexter, Diego, Jeff, Leslie, Angge and Arnie (who later on became a part of the GaSaMaSha, hehehe) ...
GaSaMaSha: Gay, Sarah, Maricar and Sharry (They eventually became GasaMaShAr coz Arnie joined them) *laugh*
Mga Saksi Ni Chona: Chona (Of course), Llaverne, Wet, Van, Karina, Grace and Adelle
Rizza and The Pussycats: Rizza, Te, Mimi, Rachel and Coline?
"I forgot what they call themselves": Jaycie, Pem, Bhob and Tinay (who eventually joined our Chingga 'kada)
Then there are the floaters: RB, Atoy, Lizette, Pepe
I forgot the others already so if any of you are reading my post, kindly remind me...
(cue the song again... Not enough vitamins.... hahaha)