June is the most celebrated month for our family. Last week, my dad had his birthday and together with my mom, they celebrated their 29th year as a married couple. Today, apart from Father's day, we are also celebrating my brother's 13th birthday. So here goes the greetings!

First off, Happy Father's Day, Dad! Thank you for everything. You just don't know how proud I am to have a father like you. We may have our "up's and down's" and disagreements at times but I cherish and treasure every moment we have together as a family. I know that I may not be the vocal one in the family for I rarely speak what's in my mind but I hope that somehow, you are able to feel my love and respect for you. The past year has been a roller coaster ride for our family. Thank you for sticking with me and giving me your inputs and advice (though they are unsolicited at times! heheh) I just want you to know that you don't have to worry too much about me though 'coz you raised me well (both you and mom) and whatever direction my life would gear to, know that I will be okay and I will make you proud. I love you Dad!

Second, Happy Father's Day to my brother Ryan, too. Thank God for my niece, Sophie. She had been a blessing in this family. I am proud of you, kuya! You're life had a complete turn-around when you became a father. Props to you bro and way to go!

Last but definitely not the least, Happy 13th Birthday Judge! I'm happy 'coz you are growing up to become a good person. Man, you have the brains and looks bro... Make those girls cry! hehehe... But seriously though, just remember that what ever you do, I got your back. So don't be afraid to reach out for your dream 'coz I'm here to support you all the way. Study hard for it will put you in places where both of us (your kuya's) weren't able to go. I am proud of you bro and I love you.